Færsluflokkur: Samgöngur

Eru loftslagsmálin stærsta vá nútímana???

Stærsta vá nútímans snýr ekki að loftslagsmálum. Stærsta vá nútímans er sá heilaþvottur sem á sér stað og þá fyrst og fremst beittur gegn ungu fólki og börnum. Pólitískur rétttrúnaður er látinn dynja á fólki í tíma og ótíma.

Svo kallaða "loftslagsvá" er bara eitt af þeim þrýstingi sem látið er dynja á fólki í dag. Fólk og fyrirtæki eru rukkuð fyrir svo kölluð kolefnisspor. Ótrúlegum fjármunum er hent í einhvern sjóð erlendis sem enginn veit hvað verður um, alla vega eyða þessir fjármunir ekki kolefnissporunum, svo er víst.

Börn fara í skólaverkföll, mæta ekki í skóla til að mótmæla koltvísýringnum í loftinu. Þeim er talið trú um að heimurinn mun líða undir lok eftir fáein ár, en hvers vegna þá að mæta aftur í skólann????? Síðan að vori er búið að panta utanlandsferðir til að fagna útskrift, þ.e. þeir sem það gera eða að fara með foreldrum sínum í sólalandaferðir, ekki má sleppa því!!!!!

Ekki virðast ráðherrar ríkisstjórnarinnar, forsætisráðherra þar með talin, veigra sér við að þeytast milli landa í þotum sem sagt er að spúi miklum koltvísýringi út í andrúmsloftið. Af hverju nota þau ekki sömu aðferð og Greta sænska og sigla á skútu, andrúmsloftsins vegna?????????

Næst þegar forseti vor og frú hans fara í opinbera heimsókn út á land hljóta þau að fara hjólandi, ekki má notast við bensínspúandi bifreið til þess arna!!

Hafa stjórnvöld komist að niðurstöðu um það hvernig loka megi fyrir allt það CO2 sem stígur upp úr eldfjöllum þessa lands??? Hvað gerir ESB í þeim tilfellum þar sem í mánuði hverjum fleiri, fleiri trukkar eru notaðir til að flytja gögn á milli Brussel og Salzburgar fram og til baka þegar ESB þingið kemur saman????

Hræsnin í kringum þessa "loftslagsvá" er alger og fara ráðherrar ríkisstjórnar okkar þar fremstir í fararbroddi.


mbl.is Loftslagsváin stærsta málið
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Hverjir sváfu á verðinum? hverjir áttu að grípa inní?? hverjir eru í raun ábyrgir fyrir tapi ISAVIA á WOW-ævintýrinu?????

Er það virkilega álit ISAVIA að leigusali eigi að bera ábyrgð á óreiðu leigutaka, nú eða óreiðu ISAVIA að gæta þess ekki að skuldir WOW færu upp úr öllu valdi??? Hvar er ábyrgð ISAVIA í þessu máli?????

Í mínum huga er það ámælisvert að ISAVIA og Samgöngustofa gripu ekki inní framferði WOW þegar ljóst var að allt stefndi í óefni. Hvernig getur utanaðkomandi aðili borið ábyrgð á því hvernig fór????????????

mbl.is „Verulega ámælisverð“ niðurstaða
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Þrældómurinn sem börn þurfa að ganga í gegnum svo fólk geti keyrt um á rafmagnsbílum. Nokkuð sem fjölmiðlar almennt fjalla ekki um.

Í "Lýðræðisríkinu" Kongó finnst kóbalt og eru sérstakar námur þar sem grafið er eftir þessu efni. Kóbalt er notað er í framleiðslu rafmagnsgeyma. Í þessum námum vinna um 40.000 börn alveg niður í 4ára aldur. Börnin eru látin vinna við mjög erfiðar aðstæður, erfiðisvinnu og hættulega. Fjöldi barna deyja á ári hverju. Sameinuðu þjóðirnar áætla að um 80 börn deyi í námunum árlega, en þau eru mun fleiri því mörg þeirra grafast undir jarðveginum sem hrynur yfir þau þar sem þau eru að vinna við mjög svo hættulegar aðstæður.

En hvað er með þetta kóbalt, af hverju er það svona mikilvægt? Jú, efnið hentar svo vel í framleiðslu á rafgeymum og nú þarf að bæta verulega í framleiðslu þeirra þar sem stefnt er að bílar og önnur farartæki verði einvörðungu knúin áfram af rafmagni og þar koma rafgeymar til sögunnar.

Vesturlandabúar hrósa happi yfir nýjum bílum sem knúnir eru áfram með rafmagni. Það sem notendur þessara bíla gera sér ekki grein fyrir er að smá krakkar eru notaðir í þrælavinnu til að hægt sé að framleiða rafgeymana sem knýja bílana þeirra.

Unglingar sem safnast saman á Austurvelli og krefjast þess að stjórnvöld geri eitthvað í loftslagsmálum, vilja að hætt verði að nota olíu og bensín til að knýja farartæki áfram gera sér ekki grein fyrir því að fjöldi barna hafa verið hnept í þrælahald og mörg þeirra deyja til að hægt sé að breyta farartækjum á þann veg að þau notast við rafgeyma sem börnin eru látin sjá fyrir efni í.

Stóru bankarnir eins og Goldman Sachs, ríki eins og Bretland, fyrirtæki eins og General Motors, Renault-Nissan, Tesla, BMW og Fiat-Chrysler og fleiri aðilar vita nákvæmlega hvað er að gerast en loka augunum fyrir þessum hryllingi allt í nafni gróða og meiri peninga.

Hér fyrir neðan er grein á ensku sem tekin er úr Mail Online, sem lýsir hryllingnum sem börnin þurfa að takast á við. Myndum við vilja að börnin okkar væru í þessum sporum? þau fá ekki einu sinni nú orðið að vinna í fiski eða send í sveit eins og tíðkaðist hér áður fyrr.


Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car: Awful human cost in squalid Congo cobalt mine that Michael Gove didn’t consider in his ‘clean’ energy crusade

  • Sky News investigated the Katanga mines and found Dorsen, 8, and Monica, 4
  • The pair were working in the vast mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • They are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, checking rocks for cobalt

By Barbara Jones for The Mail on Sunday

Picking through a mountain of huge rocks with his tiny bare hands, the exhausted little boy makes a pitiful sight.

His name is Dorsen and he is one of an army of children, some just four years old, working in the vast polluted mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where toxic red dust burns their eyes, and they run the risk of skin disease and a deadly lung condition. Here, for a wage of just 8p a day, the children are made to check the rocks for the tell-tale chocolate-brown streaks of cobalt – the prized ingredient essential for the batteries that power electric cars.

And it’s feared that thousands more children could be about to be dragged into this hellish daily existence – after the historic pledge made by Britain to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2040 and switch to electric vehicles.

Eight-year-old Dorsen is pictured cowering beneath the raised hand of an overseer who warns him not to spill a rock

Eight-year-old Dorsen is pictured cowering beneath the raised hand of an overseer who warns him not to spill a rock

It heralds a future of clean energy, free from pollution but – though there can be no doubting the good intentions behind Environment Secretary Michael Gove’s announcement last month – such ideals mean nothing for the children condemned to a life of hellish misery in the race to achieve his target.

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

Almost every big motor manufacturer striving to produce millions of electric vehicles buys its cobalt from the impoverished central African state. It is the world’s biggest producer, with 60 per cent of the planet’s reserves.

The cobalt is mined by unregulated labour and transported to Asia where battery manufacturers use it to make their products lighter, longer-lasting and rechargeable.

The planned switch to clean energy vehicles has led to an extraordinary surge in demand. While a smartphone battery uses no more than 10 grams of refined cobalt, an electric car needs 15kg (33lb).

He then staggers beneath the weight of a heavy sack that he must carry to unload 60ft away in pouring rain

He then staggers beneath the weight of a heavy sack that he must carry to unload 60ft away in pouring rain

Goldman Sachs, the merchant bank, calls cobalt ‘the new gasoline’ but there are no signs of new wealth in the DRC, where the children haul the rocks brought up from tunnels dug by hand.

Adult miners dig up to 600ft below the surface using basic tools, without protective clothing or modern machinery. Sometimes the children are sent down into the narrow makeshift chambers where there is constant danger of collapse.

Cobalt is such a health hazard that it has a respiratory disease named after it – cobalt lung, a form of pneumonia which causes coughing and leads to permanent incapacity and even death.

Even simply eating vegetables grown in local soil can cause vomiting and diarrhoea, thyroid damage and fatal lung diseases, while birds and fish cannot survive in the area.

No one knows quite how many children have died mining cobalt in the Katanga region in the south-east of the country. The UN estimates 80 a year, but many more deaths go unregistered, with the bodies buried in the rubble of collapsed tunnels. Others survive but with chronic diseases which destroy their young lives. Girls as young as ten in the mines are subjected to sexual attacks and many become pregnant.

Dorsen and 11-year-old Richard are pictured. With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food.

Dorsen and 11-year-old Richard are pictured. With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food.

When Sky News investigated the Katanga mines it found Dorsen, working near a little girl called Monica, who was four, on a day of relentless rainfall.

Dorsen was hauling heavy sacks of rocks from the mine surface to a growing stack 60ft away. A full sack was lifted on to Dorsen’s head and he staggered across to the stack. A brutish overseer stood over him, shouting and raising his hand to threaten a beating if he spilt any.

With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food.

Dorsen’s friend Richard, 11, said that at the end of a working day ‘everything hurts’.

In a country devastated by civil wars in which millions have died, there is no other way for families to survive. Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) is donating £10.5million between June 2007 and June 2018 towards strengthening revenue transparency and encouraging responsible activity in large and small scale artisanal mining, ‘to benefit the poor of DRC’.

There is little to show for these efforts so far. There is a DRC law forbidding the enslavement of under-age children, but nobody enforces it.

The UN’s International Labour Organisation has described cobalt mining in DRC as ‘one of the worst forms of child labour’ due to the health risks.

Soil samples taken from the mining area by doctors at the University of Lubumbashi, the nearest city, show the region to be among the ten most polluted in the world. Residents near mines in southern DRC had urinary concentrates of cobalt 43 higher than normal. Lead levels were five times higher, cadmium and uranium four times higher.

The worldwide rush to bring millions of electric vehicles on to our roads has handed a big advantage to those giant car-makers which saw this bonanza coming and invested in developing battery-powered vehicles, among them General Motors, Renault-Nissan, Tesla, BMW and Fiat-Chrysler.

Chinese middle-men working for the Congo Dongfang Mining Company have the stranglehold in DRC, buying the raw cobalt brought to them in sacks carried on bicycles and dilapidated old cars daily from the Katanga mines. They sit in shacks on a dusty road near the Zambian border, offering measly sums scrawled on blackboards outside – £40 for a ton of cobalt-rich rocks – that will be sent by cargo ship to minerals giant Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt in China and sold on to a complex supply chain feeding giant multinationals.

Challenged by the Washington Post about the appalling conditions in the mines, Huayou Cobalt said ‘it would be irresponsible’ to stop using child labour, claiming: ‘It could aggravate poverty in the cobalt mining regions and worsen the livelihood of local miners.’

Human rights charity Amnesty International also investigated cobalt mining in the DRC and says that none of the 16 electric vehicle manufacturers they identified have conducted due diligence to the standard defined by the Responsible Cobalt Initiative.

Monica, just four-years-old, works in the mine alongside Dorsen and Richard

Monica, just four-years-old, works in the mine alongside Dorsen and Richard

Encouragingly, Apple, which uses the mineral in its devices, has committed itself to treat cobalt like conflict minerals – those which have in the past funded child soldiers in the country’s civil war – and the company claims it is going to require all refiners to have supply chain audits and risk assessments. But Amnesty International is not satisfied. ‘This promise is not worth the paper it is written on when the companies are not investigating their suppliers,’ said Amnesty’s Mark Dummett. ‘Big brands have the power to change this.’

After DRC, Australia is the next biggest source of cobalt, with reserves of 1million tons, followed by Cuba, China, Russia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Car maker Tesla – the market leader in electric vehicles – plans to produce 500,000 cars per year starting in 2018, and will need 7,800 tons of cobalt to achieve this. Sales are expected to hit 4.4 million by 2021. It means the price of cobalt will soar as the world gears itself up for the electric car revolution, and there is evidence some corporations are cancelling their contracts with regulated mines using industrial technology, and turning increasingly to the cheaper mines using human labour.

After the terrible plight of Dorsen and Richard was broadcast in a report on Sky News, an emotive response from viewers funded a rescue by children’s charity Kimbilio. They are now living in a church-supported children’s home, sleeping on mattresses for the first time in their lives and going to school.

But there is no such happy ending for the tens of thousands of children left in the hell on earth that is the cobalt mines of the Congo.

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine

mbl.is Rafbílar losa 75-80% minna
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Vá (WOW), er þá partíið búið...???

...og það mitt í vinnudeilum??? Hvað verður þá um öll flottu nýju hótelin???? Erum við að horfa uppá upphaf nýs hruns af mannavöldum?????

Sjáum hvað setur.

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