20.3.2019 | 13:13
Hinn grimmi heimur ofbeldis
Við getum öll verið sammála um að hryðjuverkin sem framin voru í Christchurch Nýja Sjálandi voru hræðileg grimmdarverk sem ber að fordæma að fullu. Fjölmiðlar um allan heim fjalla um þetta grimmdarverk og gera hvað þeir geta að lýsa áhrifum þess á samfélagið í Nýja Sjálandi.
Frá því í febrúar hafa yfir 120 kristnir einstaklingar verið myrtir á hrottalegan hátt í Kadunafylki í Nígeríu og 140 heimili brennd til grunna, en fjölmiðlar hafa gefið því lítinn gaum (upplýsingar síðan 15.mars s.l.).
Talið er að á heimsvísu séu 11 kristnir einstaklingar myrtir daglega fyrir trú sína, en líkur eru á að þeir séu fleiri. Fjölmiðlum virðist ekki þykja fréttnæmt þegar kristnir eru brytjaðir niður, en eru fljótir til ef múslímar verða fyrir ofbeldi og vil ég alls ekki gera lítið úr því. En af hverju er heimsbyggðin þögul þegar kemur að voðaverkum gegn hinum kristnu?
Í Kína eru kristnir, múslímar og fólk með aðrar trúarskoðanir ofsóttir af yfirvöldum, líða grimmilegar ofsóknir af þeirra völdum.
Í Íran eru kristnir ofsóttir af yfirvöldum og svo mætti lengi telja.
Hryllilegt er þegar fólk er ofsótt fyrir trú sína sama hvaða trú þeir aðhyllast eða þótt það aðhyllist enga trú. Grimmdarverk mannsins er djöfulleg þegar maðurinn ofsækir náunga sinn fyrir það eitt að vera ekki eins og hann sjálfur er.
Sjá erlenda grein hér fyrir neðan.
ICYMI: 120 Christians Slaughtered By Muslim Herders In Nigeria MEDIA SILENT
As media outlets across the world bring you the minute-by-minute updates of the Christchurch mosque shooting in New Zealand, those same outlets have been mostly silent on the recent mass slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by muslim herdsmen. Those attacks have resulted in 120 dead and 140 homes burned to the ground.
At least 120 people have been killed by alleged Fulani militant attacks since February in the Kaduna state of Nigeria with the latest attacks on Monday resulting in the deaths of over 50 and the destruction of more than 140 homes.
On Monday, 52 people were killed, dozens injured and around 143 homes were destroyed in attacks on the villages of Inkirimi, Dogonnoma and Ungwan Gora in the Maro district of the Kajuru Local Government Area, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
The Monday attack followed an attack on Sunday in the Ungwan Barde village in Kajuru in which 17 people were killed and dozens of homes were burned.
In late February, there was another attack in Maro that resulted in the deaths of about 38 Christiansand saw homes and a church burned. On Feb. 10, 10 people were killed in an attack in Ungwan Barde as six others were killed in isolated attacks the day before.
CSW, a United Nations-recognized NGO that advocates for persecuted Christians worldwide, reports that victims in the attacks on Monday included women and children. Survivors told the nonprofit that the attackers were separated into three groups. One group shot and killed people, the second set fire to buildings, and a third ran after people fleeing the scene.
Nigeria ranks as the 12th worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors USAs 2019 World Watch List.
In 2018 alone, thousands of Christians were killed by militant Fulani herdsmen, leaving some to say that genocide is occurring in the Middle Belt of Nigeria.
Kaduna state is not alone in suffering from Fulani violence as other states in the Middle Belt have faced it too.
On March 4, Fulani militants in the Benue state reportedly attacked three villages, killing 23 people with bullets and machetes, according to International Christian Concern.
CSW is calling on the Nigerian federal government to address the spike in violence in a decisive and unbiased manner.
The relentless death and destruction is a sad indictment of the continuing failure by both levels of government to fulfill the primary mandate of protecting all its citizens impartially, Thomas argued.
These claims are backed up by similar reports on Christian Broadcasting Network and The Guardian Nigeria.
CBN reported on the February attack:
Radical Muslims murdered more than 30 Christians in Nigeria last week. This is just the latest account of systematic Islamic violence towards Christ-followers in that country.
The Guardian reports that Fulani herdsmen assaulted the Christians around 4 a.m. in Karamar village in the Maro district of Kajuru.
The herdsman reportedly set fire to several houses and a church. The terrorists then sporadically shot at families trying to escape the blaze, killing 32 people.
The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) also condemned the deadly assault and urged young Nigerians not to retaliate against the terrorists.
We have appealed to the youths in the area that there must never be any reprisal. We want to give the security operatives in the state the benefit of the doubt to go after the killers. We dont want any reprisal attack because the circle of violence and killings will continue, Rev. Joseph Hayap added.
CBN News reported last year that hundreds of Christians were killed in clashes with the Muslim herdsman.
Last June, Fulani herdsmen, who are mostly Muslim attacked six predominantly Christian villages in Nigerias Plateau state. Many of those killed were Christians, and they were reportedly hacked to death.
According to the Global Terrorism Index, Fulani herdsmen have killed more than 60,000 people since 2001.
Are you going to hold your breath waiting for Huffington Post, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, and the Southern Poverty Law Center to condemn these attacks?
Meginflokkur: Trúmál | Aukaflokkur: Utanríkismál/alþjóðamál | Facebook
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