Palestínumenn bjarga Ísraelskri fjölskyldu úr klóm hryðjuverkamanna

Ísraelsk fjölskylda er varð fyrir árás hryðjuverkamanna, er þakklát Palestínumönnum er kom þeim til bjargar, en fjölskyldufaðirinn fékk alvarlega höfuðáverka.

Sjá grein úr BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS hér fyrir neðan.

Jewish Family Rescued by Palestinians during Terror Attack

“Behold now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man…perhaps he can show us our way, the way in which we should go.” (1 Samuel 9:6)

A Jewish couple, Yedaya and Hadassah Sharchaton, together with their baby daughter, were driving from Jerusalem to their home in Yatir, a town south of Hebron on Sunday morning shortly after midnight.

While driving through the Arab village of Beit Umar in Judea they came under attack by Palestinian terrorists from the village. The terrorists began hurling rocks at them, in an attempt to kill the passengers and derail the car. The Sharchaton’s were surprised when other Palestinian residents of the village came to their aid.

One of the rocks, the size of a melon, broke through the windshield and hit Yedaya in the face as he drove. He lost control of the car that had veered sideways and hit the safety barrier. The car proceeded to flip over and land in a ditch on the side of the road.

Palestinian passerby’s came to their aid.

In an interview with Ynet, Hadassah recounted the frightful memories of the attack: “We came home from spending Shabbat with Yedaya’s parents, when all of a sudden I heard a loud boom, and we were hit with shards of glass. The car flipped over. I was screaming like a madwoman until we landed on the roof, and then it became quiet. Nitzan (our daughter) was crying. I asked Yedaya if he was okay, but he was confused and wasn’t making sense.”

Palestinians who came to their aid reassured her that they were there to help. Hadassah asked them to help the baby first, and following her instructions they were able to extricate Nitzan in a way that would prevent further harm.

“I kept talking to Yedaya to keep him awake, while in the meantime more Palestinians kept coming over to help us. One of them held Nitzan and seemed pretty happy to do so. I was able to tell who were the people who wanted to help us from those who were looking to harm us. These people were trying to help us,” said Hadassah

A short time later an IDF patrol arrived at the scene and waited with the family until Magen David Adom was able to evacuate Yedaya to Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem, where it was discovered that he had suffered a fractured skull in several places as well as brain hemorrhaging.

Yedaya was put on a respirator at the hospital and anesthetized. He is expected to undergo a long and difficult process of rehabilitation.

Yedaya’s father who arrived at the hospital later on, claimed that the act was no less than attempted murder, and that a miracle occurred to save his son. Sometimes miracles are simply people helping others in the right time and place.


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