Óvenjulegir daušakippir lįtinna Hamasliša sem veriš er aš undirbśa undir greftrun

"Daušir" Hamaslišar gįtu ómögulega legiš kyrrir mešan var aš mynda žį fyrir įróšursstrķšiš viš Ķsrael, en veriš var aš undirbśa žį undir greftrun, eša hvaš?.  Sjį myndband.


Gaza “Corpses” Caught…Moving? (VIDEO)




“The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death.” (Proverbs 21:6)

"Fjįrsjóšir, sem aflaš er meš lygatungu,eru sem žjótandi vindblęr, snörur daušans".   (Oršskvišir 21:6)


While the latest conflict between Hamas and Israel is filled with violence, a second war is being waged by Hamas right under your nose. This war is being broadcasted all across the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Hamas is waging a major propaganda war against the Jewish state, having no reservations about staging massacres that they then blame on Israel, inflating their death toll numbers, and calling on the world for peace when the terror groups own leaders vow publicly that they will never make peace with the “Zionist enemy.”

In what can only be described as an oops moment, corpses in Gaza, who had supposedly been killed in an IAF airstrike, are caught on camera moving. Those under the burial shrouds are clearly seen moving when they think that the cameras are not trained on them. It seems that dead people were not invited to the funeral.

It seems that Hamas will stoop to some very low points to garner international sympathy.

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Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson


Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson
Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson
Er višurkenndur bókari, hef įhuga į žjóšmįlum, trśmįlum og żmsu öšru
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