Kanadamenn og Ķsraelar menntušustu žjóšir heims skv. OECD

Samkvęmt OECD er Ķsrael nśmer 2 ķ röšinni af menntušustu žjóšum heims, vinir žeirra Kanadamenn eru efstir į listanum.

Žrįtt fyrir mikinn nišurskurš til menntamįla į hįskólastigi ķ Ķsrael į įrunum 2000 til 2009 er menntakerfi žeirra annaš öflugasta į heimvķsu.

Į kommśnistaįrunum ķ Rśsslandi žekktust Gyšingabörn į žvķ hversu hart žau lögšu į sig viš nįm.

Nįnar um žaš hér aš nešan.


Israel Ranks 2nd Among Educated Countries!


higher education

: Israel is a world leader when it comes to academics, according to a report compiled recently by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).

Channel 2 News reported on Wednesday that the OECD report shows that Israel is ranked second among OECD member countries in terms of the number of academics.

45 percent of the Israeli population has a post-secondary education, the report found. Israel’s second place puts it ahead of many Western countries, including Japan, the UK, Finland, New Zealand and even the United States.

The report also states that Israel’s rating is particularly impressive in light of the ongoing budget cuts in higher education between the years 2000 and 2009.

The only country that ranked ahead of Israel is Canada, where 50 percent of the population has a post-secondary education.

natan sharanskyJewish mothers traditionally – and are the butt of many jokes and books because of it – encourage their children to excel in school and go on to study academic professions. Jewish Agency head, Natan Sharansky, speaking at the World Emunah Convention’s dinner this week, said that during Communist times, when religious was forbidden, one of the ways Russians could tell a family was Jewish was by its dedication to education.

Israel has been a member of the OECD since 2010. In October of that year, the organization held its bi-annual tourism conference in Jerusalem.


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1 identicon

Er žaš ekki annars merkilegt aš til sé hérna allt žetta Kristna-Zķonista-liš sem berst fyrir žessu Andkristilega-Zķonista-Rasista-Terroristarķki Ķsrael, jį og gegn Kristinni trś og öllu réttlęti:

 Anti Missionary Law Will Ban Christian Witness in Israel (nśmer 5738-1977)

" if a non-Jewish Christian is apprehended giving a New Testament to an Israeli, he may face a jail term of up to 5 years."

"Anyone who preaches with the purpose of causing another person to change his religion is liable to three years imprisonment or a fine of NIS 50,000 (£9,000)" .

Jś, Jś og allt til žess aš fyrirheitin og/eša spįdómarir hérna rętast meš žetta Andkristilega Zķonista- Ķsraelsrķki, ekki satt meš allri žessari ašdįun į žessu Andkristilega Zķonista- Ķsraelsrķki?  

"Ég veit hvernig žś ert hrakyrtur af žeim, sem segja sjįlfa sig vera Gyšinga, en eru žaš ekki, heldur samkunda Satans."(Op 2:9)

"Ég skal lįta nokkra af samkundu Satans, er segja sjįlfa sig vera Gyšinga, en eru žaš ekki, heldur ljśga, - ég skal lįta žį koma og kasta sér fyrir fętur žér og lįta žį vita, aš ég elska žig." (Op 3:9)

"Og lķk žeirra munu liggja į strętum borgarinnar miklu, sem andlega heitir Sódóma [Zķonista Israel ķ dag] og Egyptaland, žar sem og Drottinn žeirra var krossfestur." (Op 11:8) 

Žorsteinn Sch Thorsteinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 10.2.2012 kl. 23:02

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